WERK1 ROCKET HOUR – How startups scale their impact through equity

Rocket Hour

How startups scale their impact through equity?

What’s the content?

We help early-stage and growth-oriented startups make an impact by giving a small portion of their equity to a social cause of their choice. Fast, easy and impactful. Founders join a network of like-minded peers, investors and network partners. Learn how to scale your impact with your startup from day 1.

Which questions will be answered?

What is the significance of impact for founders today?

How can a growth-oriented startup think about impact from the very beginning and take responsibility for society?

What role can equity play in this context and what factors will investors pay attention to in the future?

About Tom:

After more than 7 years in corporate Tom decided to switch his career to a, for him, more meaningful path. He completed a leadership program for social entrepreneurship and graduated from an accelerator program, while founding the „Stiftung Wirkungsanteil“ together with other exciting people and organisations. Now his vision is to build more bridges between social and „classic“ entrepreneurship and to enfoster impact in every founders mind.

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