WERKSAcademy powered by mynd:way | „How to empower your workforce for mynd:ful growth“

Event How to empower your workforce for mindful growth

As an entrepreneur, you want your employees to shine. You want them to know their strengths and weaknesses, and you want to be able to grow together as an outstanding team. In this 1.5 hour workshop, we will address how to empower your workforce through dedicated tool-sets. Feel free to bring along some of your current challenges regarding workforce empowerment and use the setting as a sounding board.

Together, we will also look at tools for designing individual roles and apply methods of communication to fully understand everyone’s potential as well as visions for their career. We will see what mindfulness practices have to do with new leadership and how it can become an enabler to an agile workforce.

Come and join. We are happy to learn from you and grow together with you.

When: Tuesday, February 18th @5 – 7PM — presentation, followed by discussion, networking & drinks

Where: WERK1, Atelierstr. 29 (room: „Workshopraum”)

Who: Startups & Coworker from the Munich ecosystem

SpeakerTim Kuntze & Dr. Martina Dopfer | mynd:way

The event will be in English.